This guide for teachers was piloted by the Tara Océan Foundation in collaboration with a number of organizations (Ademe, AFD, AFD, Office for Climate Education, Agence pour l'enseignement français à l'étranger, Fondation La Main à la Pâte).
The aim? To raise awareness and acculturate people to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which represent a roadmap for a more desirable future.
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals are still too little known by the general public, as attested by a report from DEL (Development Engagement Lab) measuring the general public's knowledge of the subject. And the findings are alarming: in France, only 10% of those polled claim to know what the 17 SDGs are, compared with 53% of "I don't know" and "no" responses combined.
In 2018, Victorien Erussard, President and Founder of Energy Observer, was appointed France's first ambassador for the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. A mission carried out by the Energy Observer Foundation, which involves promoting these goals and making them accessible to as many people as possible.