This symposium dedicated to “Agenda 2030 transforming regions” was organised by the president of the International Alliance for Development Objectives (AI-ODD) Pascale Fressoz, deputy members Jennifer de Temmerman and Dominique Potier and the French National Assembly SDG study group, with the support of the “Elected representatives & SDG” group of which Energy Observer forms part. It was held on 8 December 2021 at the Hotel de Lassay – Official residence of the French National Assembly.
In the presence of the President of the French National Assembly, the Minister for Regional Cohesion, the Minister for Ecological Transition and under the patronage of the President of the French National Assembly, elected officials and representatives of civil society from right across France gathered together at the Hotel de Lassay to testify to their initiatives, which aim to put sustainability at the heart of regional public policy.
Energy Observer Foundation, whose President, Victorien Erussard, is the French Ambassador for the 17 SDGs, helped to organise this event as part of the group, while the Energy Observer adventure and its commitment to the 17 SDGs was the subject of a matinee screening.