Conference cycle on « Industry and low carbon territories”
Energy Observer Foundation, Léonard/Vinci and La Société d’Encouragement pour l’Industrie Nationale, in partnership with Valgo and OPEO, are offering a new series of face-to-face and online conferences, from February to June 2022, on the theme “Industry and low carbon Territories”.
Focus area
1 Act for energy transition
After the success of the previous lecture series on the hydrogen value chain, Energy Observer Foundation and its partners have launched a new conference cycle focusing on the opportunities and challenges of low-carbon reindustrialisation.
This conference cycle aims at encouraging actions leading to a reduction in the environmental footprint of industrial uses and practices, by highlighting the innovative actors and sectors behind these changes. The lectures explore especially the challenges of sustainable reindustrialisation, and the role territories play in the energy transition of industry.
On the 25th of May 2022, Victorien Erussard spoke at the conference “What innovative mix for low carbon reindustrialisation ?”, alongside Thomas Veyrenc (Rte), Charlotte Roule (Engie) et Markus Popp (Vinci Energies).
The next conference will take place on Wednesday the 22nd of June 2022, regarding the new geographies of reindustrialisation.
All the conferences are available in replay by following this link.
Click here to find the full conferences program.